Do schools benefit from vending machines? Absolutely! Vending machines are a great way for schools to bring in extra money to fund projects, particularly if they are on a tight budget to begin with. Having snack and drink machines brings in more revenue for school districts everywhere. Of course, there are other clear benefits to having vending machines at schools and businesses. Students and workers alike will perform better when they don’t have to worry about hunger.
One of the cool things about vending machines at school is the variety of snack options available to students and teachers. It’s entirely up to the staff in terms of what sorts of treats and drinks to sell in the machines. A school can earn more than $200 per day if a vending machine is placed in a high traffic area. Having a diverse selection of products also helps to make more sales.
Consider also the fact that students’ quality of life will improve with access to snacks and beverages. The short intervals between classes gives them just enough time to grab a quick pick-me-up. Hungry kids are not as able to concentrate, work, and retain information as well. This helps eliminate that problem. An ideal location for vending machines would be the gymnasium, lunch room, or break room. The tangible benefits of vending machines are clear. Schools benefit from vending machines just as businesses benefit from them.
Call Atlanta Vending Pros today and let’s discuss all the vending options available to you!